
Senior Preparation Year 10


Year 10 is a time of preparation for students’ years of Senior Schooling and of planning for their future career pathway. The year is foundational for Year 11 and subjects provide transitions into Year 11 content and skills, aligned to the Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance system under the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Senior subjects are previewed within the Year 10 Curriculum, to allow students to make informed subject choices and to prepare students for the Senior Years.

During this year, they will be required to develop their Student Education and Training Plan, deciding on academic goals for the next two years, before choosing their subjects for Years 11 & 12. Except in extenuating circumstances, they will not be permitted to change courses in Senior, as this will jeopardise future opportunities. Their chosen Senior subjects should be seen as a two-year course.


Subject selection is a feature of this year and subject choices for Years 11 & 12 are contained within 3 pathways:

ACADEMIC – 6 QCAA subjects

  • tertiary entrance to University, TAFE, work

BLEND – Combination of QCAA subjects + vocational subjects

  • tertiary entrance to University, TAFE, work

CAREERSTART Vocational subjects only

  • TAFE, work, traineeships, apprenticeships

Year 10 Handbook