


The Primary canteen operates five days a week from the canteen in Millis building (B Block).

In the Primary school an online ordering system is used to order morning tea and lunch. Canteen boxes are collected by class monitors and taken back to the classrooms at 10:40am for morning tea and then again for lunch. Students do not access the canteen themselves.

A link directly to the online system can be found on the Primary Parent page of Citipointe Central, however you will need to register before this can be successfully used. More information regarding how to register can be seen in the links below.

How To Register for Online Canteen Guide

Mrs E Walker, Mrs C van den Berg, Mrs Y Song


The Secondary canteen operates five days a week from the canteen in F Block. It has been recently renovated, with a new fresh look for the staff and students.

Students in Years 7 – 12 are able to access the canteen as soon as the bell rings for recess and lunch.  A teacher will be on duty to supervise students.

Cash and EFTPOS (Mastercard and Visa only) acceptable at the counter.

Secondary students can also order their lunches via the online ordering system. Secondary student/family will need to register for an online ordering account before placing an order.

How To Register for Online Canteen Guide

Mrs B Koren, Mrs A Reinecke