
Student Support Department

Student Support Department (SSD) is a department within the primary school which is available to students who require assistance with their learning.

It caters and provides additional support for students who may require:

  • Revision of strategies and skills of reading, writing, comprehension, spelling, oral language and arithmetic.
  • Students who may require modifications to their curriculum and strategies to assist their learning and or behaviour within the classroom.

Student Support lessons consist of:

  • Two 40-minute weekly sessions of explicit and direct teaching instead of Languages Education.
  • Well researched, effective whole language and phonetic approach with revision of phonemic awareness for Lower Primary students.
  • Direct teaching of a variety of language strategies which are reinforced in a creative manner.
  • Opportunities to support the range of writing genres.
  • Students will participate in language-based games and will have strategies modelled to them.
  • Specific practice of auditory processing skills.
  • Courses such as the FX Program for self-regulation and the Read Write training is offered to selected students.

Within the classroom:

  • Adjustments as required for students to make the curriculum accessible to them.
  • Student specific modifications when they are unable to complete subjects at their year level.
  • Meetings with year level teachers to discuss and monitor ongoing student needs.
  • Regular meetings with the Guidance Officer, Pastoral Care staff, English as an Additional Language teachers, class teachers, teacher aides and Student Support teachers as deemed necessary.

For Parents:

  • Newsletters for parents to assist with home learning (includes creative ideas and resources on disorders, disabilities, language, learning and other topics).
  • Referrals for parents to appropriate professionals.
  • Regular meetings with class teachers, case managers and stakeholders, to create and maintain personalised educational plans for students.
Cooperation and coordination
Cooperation and coordination
Primary Mr P Staines' FX students, learning with iPads 002
Primary Mr P Staines' FX students, learning with iPads 002
Using Read, Write, Gold for assessment
Using Read, Write, Gold for assessment
Using Read, Write, Gold for research
Using Read, Write, Gold for research
visual discrimination activity
visual discrimination activity
Writing about our pet, Blaze
Writing about our pet, Blaze
Writing on easels
Writing on easels
writing on sand
writing on sand