
Major Events


The Academy of the Arts is committed to sourcing a variety of performance opportunities for our young musicians and performers. This provides real-life experience in concerts, eisteddfods, festivals, musicals and corporate environments while showcasing the level of student talent.


Citipointe musicals are a highlight on the school calendar. They are held every two years and are supported by the Academy of the Arts and our curriculum arts team. Student participation in all aspects is encouraged and supported, on-stage and off-stage.

In 2021, over 150 students were involved in singing, dancing, acting, painting, building and rehearsing for twelve months to present Matilda:The Musical. They were assisted by 30 staff and various professionals in a variety of consulting roles. Over 2000 audience members were thrilled over five shows at the calibre of artists at Citipointe.

The Musical in 2023 is The Little MermaidGet ready for a fantastic adventure Under the Sea featuring our incredibly talented team. See our students thrive as they use their God-given gifts for His glory. 
The Little Mermaid is set to be another sensational Citipointe musical!


Showcase is held every alternate year to the musical and is a celebration of all performance groups at the College. Bands, choirs, strings ensembles, dance groups and small ensembles from Prep to Year 12 are featured during a themed night.

In 2018, Showcase featured over 400 students and special guests Deep Blue Orchestra helped us celebrate the College’s 40th anniversary. The next Showcase will be held in 2022.


Spotlight on Primary is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our young creatives in a supportive (and themed) environment. All performance groups from Prep to Year 6 are involved, supported by Speech and Drama performances and Visual Art displays.

In 2021, over 300 Primary students and staff rehearsed hard to transport a sold-out audience to ‘A Night at the Circus’. Costumes were donned, staging was set, performances were amazing, and the audience was convinced they were under a big top!

Spotlight on Primary will be featured again in 2023.


Held annually, the Concert series comprises a variety of nights dedicated to showcasing the talent, dedication and commitment of various performance groups and arts students including:

  • Academy of the Arts in Concert
  • Moving Images (Featuring Citipointe Dance and Film and TV)
  • Launchpad (Featuring Drama)
  • Visions (Featuring Drama)
  • Speech and Drama Showcase
  • Musicians on Stage